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Google’s Game Of The Year 2018

December 29, 2018

Google's Game of The Year Sydney Newcastle Australia

Which famous Justin was most searched for this year – Bieber, Timberlake or Trudeau? If you fancy yourself as a ‘search aficionado, test your search trendiness with Google’s Game of The Year. The online game has been released as part of Google’s Year in Search 2018, Google’s recap of top search trends of the past 12 months.

The game is fairly straightforward… Each player must answer a series of questions about this year’s trending searches, collecting points along the way. The questions get harder as you progress through the game. You’ll be asked up to 20 questions, plus play some bonus rounds. However, you only have three lives, so once you’ve answered three questions incorrectly you’re out. A special bonus round increases the difficulty even more. Players can also challenge their friends to test their own Google search trendiness.

You’ll win no more than bragging rights but that’s better than nothing!

So what have been the top 10 searches in 2018 on Google?

  1. World Cup
  2. Avicii
  3. Mac Miller
  4. Stan Lee
  5. Black Panther
  6. Meghan Markle
  7. Anthony Bourdain
  8. XXXTentacion
  9. Stephen Hawking
  10. Kate Spade

Mainly famous personalities who have passed away this year such as Stephen Hawking, Avicii, Anthony Bourdain and Stan Lee.  Plus Meghan Markle made the list (of course).

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